Unless something unexpected happens the Tampere gig on November 30th will be the last of 2017. After that we will start rehearsing the new songs and will begin the pre-production phase for the next album.
We now have 13-14 tunes to work with and damn they are good. As the cliche goes “the next album will be better than the previous one”. Ha. But the songs are catchier and more rockin’ but still in our style. Style which is hard to define. Rock music. That’s what it is.
So we’re already looking forward to work on the songs, recording and finally releasing the yet untitled album. But one thing at a time.
Keep Rock’n’Roll Alive!
Uusia biisejä on rustailtu ja aletaan hiomaan niistä karkeita timantteja. Ei liian hienoa. Rokkimeiningillä. Yks kerrallaan.