The album mix, check
The album mix is now done and it’s no surprise that Eric “Roscoe” Ambel did a mighty fine job. We are definitely excited! Yeehaw!! The songs are rockin’ and rollin’Continue readingThe album mix, check
Devil Dog Road & Eric “Roscoe” Ambel
We are extremely happy and excited to announce that Devil Dog Road’s upcoming second album will be mixed by Eric “Roscoe” Ambel. “Eric Ambel has been working with bands inContinue readingDevil Dog Road & Eric “Roscoe” Ambel
Thank you Rocktopussy Fest!!
Nastaa oli! Järjestelyt olivat mallillaan ja homma pelitti! Iso kiitos kaikille järjestäjille, tekniikalle ja yleisölle!! Keep Rock’N’Roll Alive!!
New songs–>new album!
Ok, there is still a long way to go but things are looking pretty darn good at the moment. We did some pre-production recordings yesterday and caught five new songsContinue readingNew songs–>new album!
Festival gig in July!
More details later…
Devil Dog Road goes trio
Ok, things have been quiet with the band so it is time for a change. So from this day on Devil Dog Road will be a trio. No drama, itContinue readingDevil Dog Road goes trio
New Year, new plans. Maybe a new album, wellContinue reading2015–>2016
Happy anniversary!
Today is the first anniversary of our first, self-titled album. Despite the debut album, the year has been a bit slower than expected. But nevermind that the album is greatContinue readingHappy anniversary!